Icons of the British Countryside – The Pheasant
The lovable Pheasant is very much an icon of the British Countryside and intrinsic to many loved countryside pursuits.
In fact, its immense popularity is behind numerous of our printed shirt designs that feature both large and small Pheasants and is feature on our website as part of our Womens Country Shirts range.
Not only is the pheasant a part of country living but it’s also highly desirable at many dinner tables. However, although a feature of The British Countryside, did you know it is not native to the British Isles?
Let us tell you more….
The Origins Of Pheasants
The bird has a long history of residence in The British Isles, but it’s been hard to pinpoint its arrival.
There is some evidence that it even came across the channel with The Romans, but most historians tend to believe it was brought over by The Normans and became common around the 15th century.
It has certainly become one of The Uk’s most striking birds and is easy to spot in woodlands and across farmland. It seemed to have no problem with the migration from Europe and has adapted to the British countryside with ease.
Pheasant Shooting
As many of you will know, the traditional pheasant shooting season normally runs from October 1st through to February 1st. Of course if you’re attending a shoot, it’s a great opportunity to take a photo in your pheasant print ladies country shirt and send it to us for our Spotted in Hartwell gallery.
If you’re cutting a dash, you might as well make sure everyone knows. As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect and although Pheasant shooting may look easy, there is a lot to think about. Different breeds can behave differently in flight, and later in the season they often take a higher flight. Make sure you have a good stance and a consistent gun mount and never snatch at the trigger.
Learning more about the type of guns to use will also help you find the right one for you.
Where Pheasants Live And What They Eat
The Pheasant is a ground-nesting bird, but at night they seek refuge in the branches of trees to roost safely. In the winter, they have been known to form flocks, although this is not common. They generally enjoy living in tall grassed or heavily weeded areas, with a nearby copse or wood. Their diet is mostly berries, worms, insects, leaves and nuts as they are excellent ground foragers.
Certainly their diet gives a great tasting meat.
To Close
A truly iconic British countryside bird that is much loved for its colours and excitable nature, and a real favourite on the dinner table. It was one of the reasons we included Pheasant print designs on our Ladies country Shirts, and if you have not got one for the season, now is the time. Also check out what’s New In the Hartwell country clothing range on our website.
If you want to learn more about these incredible birds, visit the World Pheasant Association to see the great conservation work they do.
Live well, Dress well, Hartwell.